Tag Archives: 2016

Monthly Meeting

Ali and Pinky Shaw, of Moss Bluff Apiary, will be our November speakers.  They have graciously agreed to talk about winterizing our hives, since that was the topic for the October meeting that was cancelled.  Additionally, we will learn a little about queen rearing.  We’re going to pack a lot of

Monthly Meeting

It’s here!  For months we have been anticipating having Dr. Jamie Ellis at our meeting to share information about the upcoming Bee Lab that was approved by the State during the last legislative session.  This Thursday at 7pm is our regular meeting and Dr. Ellis will be our speaker.  This

Monthly Meeting

Here is a link to the Extension Office that tells about honey judging and contests:  http://entnemdept.ifas.ufl.edu/honeybee/extension/welshHoneyJudging.shtml Also, if you are entering the honey jar contest, please use a bottle with a plastic, not metal, lid. This adds consistency between the honey contestants. Preparing for the honey judging contest: *All club

Monthly Meeting

Cameron Jack will be speaking to us about control of varroa mites and use of oxalic acid.  Mites are the most threatening pest to our hives so this is an important area of beekeeping in which we are always learning.

Monthly Meeting

Swarms!  How to catch ’em. What to do with ’em! Spring is in the air and swarms are springing out of hives.  Our topic this month is how to catch a swarm.  We will be hearing from several people on the topic.  Dave will be bringing a bee vac and

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